Healthy Eating
We recognise the importance of a healthy lifestyle and diet and understand that establishing a balanced diet in childhood helps establish healthy eating habits for life. This policy states the ways in which our Nursery Schools support children to develop their knowledge and understanding of the importance of a healthy diet in their everyday lives. The first five years are when children start learning about food from an early age and those who develop good eating behaviours and consume a variety of foods from a young age are more likely to carry on these good behaviours as they get older.
This policy also describes how the nursery helps children to develop the skills and attitudes that will help them make informed healthy choices both in and out of nursery. In order to reflect the importance of healthy eating, this policy specifies the types of food and drink that we will provide in our Nursery Schools at different times.
In order for us all to meet our full potential we need to be healthy and fit in all aspects of health, these include physical, intellectual, social, emotional, environmental and spiritual health.
A healthy diet is one which allows for a balance of different foods that sustain the wellbeing of the individual. Different lifestyles result in different dietary needs and individuals need to be aware of these and the effects of different foods on their bodies. A healthy, balanced diet may vary between individuals from different cultural, ethnic and social backgrounds.
Nursery Food Provision
Linden Tree Nursery Schools regard meal times as an important part of the setting's day. Eating represents a social time for children and adults and helps children to learn about healthy eating. We promote healthy eating and at snack times, we aim to provide nutritious food, which meets the children's individual dietary needs. Therefore our meals and snacks meet the Caroline Walker Trust guidelines Through the meals provided from our lunch and tea supplier ‘Zebedees’.
The Nursery Schools and the catering company ‘Zebedees’, are dedicated to providing a balanced menu of lunches, with no additives. The needs of children with individual dietary needs, due to medical, cultural or religious reasons are catered for appropriately.
Allergies and Food Exclusions We will only remove an item of food from a child’s diet for the following reasons
Religious choice
Allergies/intolerances as recorded and advised by a Doctor
We follow the following procedures to ensure meals are safe for all children attending our Nursery Schools:
All Staff who prepare snacks, meals or lead cooking activities at our Nursery Schools have basic food hygiene training and a knowledge of allergies, dietary requirements and healthy eating.
Before a child starts to attend the setting, we find out from parents their children's dietary needs and preferences, including any allergies. We record information about each child's dietary needs in their registration record and parents sign the record to signify that it is correct.
We regularly consult with parents to ensure that our records of their children's dietary needs - including any allergies - are up-to-date. Parents sign the up-dated record to signify that it is correct.
We display current information about individual children's dietary needs so that all staff and volunteers are fully informed about them.
We implement systems to ensure that children receive only food and drink that is consistent with their dietary needs. We take care not to provide food containing nuts or nut products and are especially vigilant where we have a child who has a known allergy to nuts.
Through discussion with parents and research reading by staff, we obtain information about the dietary rules of the religious groups to which children and their parents belong, and of vegetarians and vegans, and about food allergies. We take account of this information in the provision of food and drinks.
We require staff to show sensitivity in providing for children's diets and allergies. Staff do not use a child's diet or allergy as a label for the child or make a child feel singled out because of her or his diet or allergy.
We actively encourage children to wash their hands before and after handling food.
Meal Times and Process
It is important that all meals are seen as a family event for the children and teachers. We use meal times to help children to develop independence through making choices, serving food and drink and feeding themselves. We achieve this by:
Classical music is played for each meal time; breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and tea. The music will be only set at background music volume.
All children are given a 5 minute warning before meal times, before cleaning the classroom together and then are encouraged and supported to wash their hands
All children guided to and supported where needed, to sit around the table, no more than 6 around a table, with a teacher sat at the table with them.
Our children are not to be fed in a high chair that is not part of the table, it is important that from a young age we instil the joy of social eating, if children are only fed separately in their high chairs, it can create a segregated eating atmosphere.
We provide children with utensils that are appropriate for their ages and stages of development and that take account of the eating practices in their cultures. Children are encouraged from 8/9 months to start to attempt to feed themselves. Along with their own spoons, the teachers will have another spoon and will encourage their fine motor skills.
For our under twos we encourage messy eating, the children are encouraged to use their hands to bring food to their mouths, this is a fundamental part of them developing their gross and fine motor skills.
Over twos are encouraged to use a knife and fork at lunch and tea meal times. They are also encouraged to serve their own meals, and to tidy away after their meals. This promotes a great sense of responsibility and control over their meal times. From this it creates a calmer and positive meal time experience.
We have fresh drinking water constantly available for the children. We inform the children about how to obtain the water and that they can ask for water at any time during the day. It is provided in a water bottle with their name and picture on which is accessible all day.
Meals are provided between these times
Breakfast -8.00 am to 9.00 am- We provide it during this time so that morning circle time and activities are able to start by 9.30 am. If parents choose to bring their child in after 9.00am they must ensure that breakfast has been provided at home before this time.
For breakfast we provide a specific range of food, this has been carefully thought out to tackle childhood obesity, promote healthy eating, and have a consistent amount of carbohydrate and energy for the morning until snack. We only offer one portion for breakfast. The food on offer for breakfast is; Weetabix and Porridge.
Morning Snack -10.00 am to 10.30 am- We provide a choice of two fruits each morning snack. We rotate and offer a variety of fruits over the week. For the over twos, they are able to choose and prepare their fruit for morning snack. Morning snack is also provided with a cup of milk for their daily calcium intake.
Lunch – 11.30 am to 12.30 pm – Our food is provided by Zebedees, please see our Menu for food provided which is seasonal. Children will only receive one suitably sized portion, we do not give seconds as this promotes unhealthy habits towards eating. If children do not try a mouthful of lunch, dessert will not be provided, nor will another meal. Dessert is offered to all children, and again only one portion is given.
Afternoon Snack 3:00pm to 3.30 pm- The food provided in the afternoon is a vegetable snack, it can range from raw peppers, celery, tomatoes, cucumber, carrot, broccoli etc. This can at times for the over twos be served with dip.
Tea 4.30 pm to 5.15 pm – The food provided for supper is from Zebedees. In the summer it is a cold Mediterranean mix of food, in the winter it is a hot meal. Again with pudding. As the same with lunch, only one portion is provided for both the meal and pudding.
It is our practice that if a child chooses to not eat one of the meals provided, an alternative will not be provided as that will encourage picky or fussy eating. At our nursery they are offered food every 2 hours so if they happen to not want one meal, they will be offered a meal again 2 hours later.
The role of parents or carers
Linden Tree Nursery Schools are aware that the primary role in the children’s healthy eating education lies with the parent or carers. We wish to build a positive and supporting relationship with the parent or carers of children at the nursery through mutual understanding, trust, and cooperation.
In promoting this objective, we will:
1. Inform parents about the nurseries healthy eating education policy and practice.
2. Encourage parents to be involved in reviewing the settings policy and making modifications to it as necessary, using the policy of the month procedure.
3. Inform and support parent or carers about best practice known with regard to healthy eating so that they can support key messages being given to children at the nursery.
Supporting children who are fussy or picky eaters
Although there is no single widely accepted definition, fussy or picky eating is characterised by an unwillingness to eat familiar foods or to try new foods, as well as strong food preferences (Taylor et al., 2015).
NHS guidance on fussy eating states that it is common for toddlers to refuse to eat or taste new foods. This is not seen as worrying, as long as the child eats some food from the four main food groups (fruit and vegetables; potatoes, bread, rice, pasta and other starchy carbohydrates; dairy or dairy alternatives; and beans, pulses, fish, eggs, meat and other proteins). The guidance suggests to look at what a child is eating over a week, rather than a day and if your child is active and gaining weight, with no obvious health problems, then are getting enough to eat.
Children’s taste preference start in the utero, so when a child is in the embryonic phrase, the more variety of foods a mother has during pregnancy, the more they are likely to accept those foods when they’re born. The same is with breast milk, flavours such as garlic and vanilla can be tasted through that.
Strategies we use for helping to instil positive eating habits
• Remain calm
• Provide lots of time at meal times- not to rush the child
• Give incentives e.g. high fives, well done etc.
• Repeated exposure to food
• Offer food 10-15 times without pressure to eat something
• They may accept it on their plate to begin with, the next step could be touching it and next just bringing it up to their lips, but each time they are getting more used to that food
• Role model- sit and eat the same food with them- be enthusiastic- a family meal
• Talk lots about the food. Saying things such as, ‘yummy, these peas are delicious’ and ‘these potatoes will give me lots of energy to help me think and play’ help children to think positively about the food they are eating
• Biggest and best is sensory exposure- messy play, squishing it, smelling it etc.
• Only one practitioner or parent to focus on encouraging the child
• Any physical reward should never be food based e.g. chocolate or an alternative meal
• Don’t put pressure on them
• A parent should seek help from a GP when it affects their growth and development e.g. obese or malnourished
• Introduce unhealthy food
• Allowing too much choice e.g. at snack more than 2 fruits or beg can be overwhelming for choice
• Don’t overwhelm with portion sizes- please see the NHS food portions guide book
• Don’t give an alternative meal if they don’t eat their meal- they will always wait for something else
• Don’t give more than one portion
• Children may think they need to empty bowls or plates, don’t encourage them, stop when they stop, you may be stretching their stomach- remember they have another meal in 2 hours’ time
• Do not force feed
• Don’t provide too much milk in the day
If you would like more information on healthy under 5s eating and why it is ok for a child to miss a meal if they choose not to eat it. Please contact our Training Manager to see our PowerPoint training presentation on healthy eating.
Birthdays and Special Occasions
Parents are politely asked to check with management for allergies before bringing in treats and cakes. We operate a no nuts policy, and would ask all parents to please check recipes and ingredients, prior to bringing to the nursery.
We will be unable to serve the cake or treats during meal times at the nursery, however we can celebrate with the child, and then provide a piece for the children to take home.
We include foods from the diet of each of the children's cultural backgrounds, providing children with familiar foods and introducing them to new ones. (During cooking activities)
Animals in the setting
Children learn about the natural world, its animals and other living creatures, as part of the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. This may include contact with animals, or other living creatures, either in the setting or in visits. We aim to ensure that this is in accordance with sensible hygiene and safety controls.
Animals in the setting as pets
We take account of the views of parents and children when selecting an animal or creature to keep as a pet in the setting.
We carry out a risk assessment with a knowledgeable person accounting for any hygiene or safety risks posed by the animal or creature.
We provide suitable housing for the animal or creature and ensure this is cleaned out regularly and is kept safely.
We ensure the correct food is offered at the right times.
Children are taught correct handling and care of the animal or creature and are supervised.
Children wash their hands before and after handling the animal or creature and do not have contact with animal soil or soiled bedding.
Staff wear disposable gloves when cleaning housing or handling soiled bedding.
If animals or creatures are brought in by visitors to show the children they are the responsibility of the owner.
The owner carries out a risk assessment, detailing how the animal or creature is to be handled and how any safety or hygiene issues will be addressed.
Administering medicines
While it is not our policy to care for sick children, who should be at home until they are well enough to return to the setting, we will agree to administer medication as part of maintaining their health and well-being or when they are recovering from an illness.
In many cases, it is possible for children’s GP’s to prescribe medicine that can be taken at home in the morning and evening. As far as possible, administering medicines will only be done where it would be detrimental to the child’s health if not given in the setting.
The Manager is responsible for the correct administration of medication to all children.This includes ensuring that parent consent forms have been completed, that medicines are stored correctly and that records are kept according to procedures. Where available the manager should administer medication with the supervision of the Key Person, Room Leader or First Aid Practitioner as a witness. If the manager is not able to administer the medication the Key Person or Room Leader must inform the manager that they are about to administer medication and the manager is to authorise and oversee, witnessing where possible..
Children taking prescribed medication must be well enough to attend the setting.
Only prescribed medication is administered. It must be in-date and prescribed for the current condition. All Prescription medicine must be stored in the original container, with the original prescription label and written in English.
The only exclusion to administering non prescribed medication is as an emergency procedure to a child who has a temperature of over 38 degrees and with previous written parental consent. Once this has been administered parents are asked to collect their child or an ambulance is called in the event that the temperature increases or stays at an increased temperature over a period of time. We will either administer children’s Calpol/Nurofen/Ibuprofen.
Children's prescribed medicines are stored in their original containers, are clearly labelled and are inaccessible to the children.
Parents give prior written permission for the administration of medication. The staff receiving the medication must ask the parent to sign a consent form stating the following information. No medication may be given without these details being provided:
full name of child and date of birth;
name of medication and strength;
who prescribed it;
dosage to be given in the setting;
how the medication should be stored and expiry date;
any possible side effects that may be expected should be noted; and
signature, printed name of parent and date.
The administration is recorded accurately each time it is given and is signed by staff. Parents sign the medicine forms to acknowledge the administration of a medicine. The medication records record:
Name of child;
Name and strength of medication;
The date and time of dose;
Dose given and method; and is
Signed by key person or manager; and is verified by parent signature at the end of the day.
Storage of medicines
All medication is stored safely in a locked cupboard or refrigerated. Where the cupboard or refrigerator is not used solely for storing medicines, they are kept in a marked plastic box.
The child’s key person is responsible for ensuring medicine is handed back at the end of the day to the parent.
For some conditions, medication may be kept in the setting. The key person and manager check that any medication held to administer on an as and when required, or on a regular basis, is in date and returns any out-of-date medication back to the parent.
If the administration of prescribed medication requires medical knowledge, individual training is provided for the relevant member of staff by a health professional, prior to medication being administered.
No child may self-administer. Where children are capable of understanding when they need medication, for example with asthma, they should be encouraged to tell their key person what they need. However, this does not replace staff vigilance in knowing and responding when a child requires medication.
Children who have long term medical conditions and who may require on ongoing medication
Children who are on Long Term Medications will have a completed Long Term Medication form which will be reviewed regularly, at least every three months.
A risk assessment is carried out for each child with long term medical conditions that require ongoing medication. This is the responsibility of the manager alongside the key person. Other medical or social care personnel may need to be involved in the risk assessment.
For some medical conditions key staff will need to have training in a basic understanding of the condition as well as how the medication is to be administered correctly. The training needs for staff is part of the risk assessment.
The risk assessment includes arrangements for taking medicines on outings and the child’s GP’s advice is sought if necessary where there are concerns.
A health care plan for the child is drawn up with the parent; outlining the key person’s role and what information must be shared with other staff who care for the child.
The health care plan should include the measures to be taken in an emergency.
The health care plan is reviewed every six months or more if necessary. This includes reviewing the medication, e.g. changes to the medication or the dosage, any side effects noted etc.
Parents receive a copy of the health care plan and each contributor, including the parent, signs it.
Managing medicines on trips and outings
If children are going on outings, staff accompanying the children must include the key person or Room Leader for the child with a risk assessment, or another member of staff who is fully informed about the child’s needs and or or medication.
Medication for a child is taken in a sealed plastic box clearly labelled with the child’s name, name of the medication, Inside the box is a copy of the consent form and a card to record when it has been given, with the details as given above.
On returning to the setting the card is stapled to the medicine record book and the parent signs it.
If a child on medication has to be taken to hospital, the child’s medication is taken in a sealed plastic box clearly labelled with the child’s name, name of the medication. Inside the box is a copy of the consent form signed by the parent.
This procedure is read alongside the outings procedure.
Managing children with allergies, or who are sick or infectious
(Including reporting notifiable diseases)
We provide care for healthy children and promote health through identifying allergies and preventing contact with the allergenic substance and through preventing cross infection of viruses and bacterial infections.
Procedures for children with allergies
When parents start their children at the setting they are asked if their child suffers from any known allergies. This is recorded on the registration form.
If a child has an allergy, a risk assessment form is completed to detail the following:
The allergen (i.e. the substance, material or living creature the child is allergic to such as nuts, eggs, bee stings, cats etc).
The nature of the allergic reactions e.g. anaphylactic shock reaction, including rash, reddening of skin, swelling, breathing problems etc.
What to do in case of allergic reactions, any medication used and how it is to be used (e.g. Epipen).
Control measures – such as how the child can be prevented from contact with the allergen.
This form is kept in the child’s personal file and a copy is displayed where staff can see it.
Parents train staff in how to administer special medication in the event of an allergic reaction.
Generally, no nuts or nut products are used or consumed within the setting.
Parents are made aware so that no nut or nut products are accidentally brought in, for example to share with the children for a particular purpose such as a birthday or religious celebration.
If a child attends LTNS with no known allergies and begins to have an allergic reaction to something such as a food or insect bite, the following must be adhered to:
The member of staff who notices a child having a reaction e.g. a rash, hives or breathing difficulties must inform the manager on duty immediately
The manager must assess the reaction of the child and do the following:
Ask the Room Leader to stay with the child and call an ambulance if the child begins to go into anaphylactic shock
Call the child’s parent to inform them of the reaction and let them know if an ambulance has been called. If an ambulance has not been called, explain the reaction the child has had
If the child has a reaction such as hives and is over 12 months old they can be given Piriton Syrup, the parents verbal consent must be given before application (written consent is outlined in the Settle Pack prior to joining the nursery)
The child must be collected from nursery and taken to the GP to investigate what the reaction was from
Upon collection the manager on duty must give a full report on what they child has eaten or come into contact with and ensure anything crucial is written on the child’s report and a sudden illness form has been completed
Once the child has been assessed for any allergies all plans must be updated by the manager of the nursery and all information must be documented on the child’s profile.
Oral Medication
Asthma inhalers are regarded as "oral medication" by insurers and so documents do not need to be forwarded to your insurance provider.
Oral medications must be prescribed by a GP or have manufacturer’s instructions clearly written on them.
The nursery must be provided with clear written instructions on how to administer such medication.
All risk assessment procedures need to be adhered to for the correct storage and administration of the medication.
The group must have the parents or guardians prior written consent. This consent must be kept on file.
Lifesaving medication & invasive treatments - adrenaline injections (Epipens) for anaphylactic shock reactions (caused by allergies to nuts, eggs etc) or invasive treatments such as rectal administration of Diazepam (for epilepsy).
The setting must have:
A letter from the child's GP or consultant stating the child's condition and what medication if any is to be administered;
Written consent from the parent or guardian allowing staff to administer medication; and
Proof of training in the administration of such medication by the child's GP, a district nurse, children’s’ nurse specialist or a community paediatric nurse.
Key person for special needs children - children requiring help with tubes to help them with everyday living e.g. breathing apparatus, to take nourishment, colostomy bags etc.
Prior written consent from the child's parent or guardian to give treatment and or medication prescribed by the child's GP.
Manager/Key person to have the relevant medical training or experience.
Copies of all letters relating to these children must first be sent to Senior Management.
Procedures for children who are sick or infectious
If children appear unwell during the day – have a temperature (above 38 degrees), sickness, diarrhoea or pains, particularly in the head or stomach – the manager calls the parents and asks them to collect the child, or send a known carer to collect on their behalf.
If a child has a temperature, they are kept cool, by removing top clothing, sponging their heads with cool water, but kept away from draughts.
Temperature is taken and recorded.
If a child awakes from their nap with a temperature of 38 degrees the practitioner should offer them a drink and keep them cool. The temperature should be monitored and recorded. If it stays at 38 or above for more than 10 minutes the manager will call the parents and administer Calpol (previous consent should have been sought, otherwise Calpol should not be administered). The child will then need to be collected from nursery.
In cases of emergency an ambulance should be called and the parent informed.
Where children have been prescribed antibiotics, parents are asked to keep them at home for 48 hours before returning to the setting.
After diarrhoea or sickness, parents are asked to keep children home for 48 hours or until a formed stool is passed.
The setting has a list of excludable diseases and current exclusion times. The full list is obtainable from http://www.publichealth.hscni.net/sites/default/files/Guidance_on_infection_control_in%20schools_poster.pdf and includes common childhood illnesses such as measles.
Seasonal Flu
Seasonal influenza, also known as “the flu” is a contagious respiratory illness caused by flu viruses that infect the nose, throat and lungs. Although seasonal flu occurs each year, flu epidemics/ pandemics are much less common but can occur at any time. A flu pandemic occurs when a new flu virus that is different from seasonal flu viruses emerges and spreads quickly between people, causing illness worldwide. Most people will lack immunity to the new strain of flu virus and medical professionals will not yet have a current understanding or medications to respond immediately
During any such outbreak LTNS will take advice from the Public Health England and any other relevant Government Authorities for containment and prevention of the spread of the virus.
We will appropriately screen any visitors and not allow access where there is any undisclosed information or perception of an increased risk to children.
In the event of a new virus epidemic/pandemic
In the event of a new virus or flu we will follow the guidance as outlined above and communicate with parents and staff via email in line with advice from Public Health England regarding overseas travel.
We will track children’s illness and remain aware of where they have travelled such that we can appropriately and quickly act on any advice from Government.
If an epidemic or pandemic were to occur we will share information about how we are responding to this with Parents via our staff or by email.
If there is a known case in any of our nursery schools we will report it to Public Health England and will follow their advice, for example, we may close to conduct a deep clean.
During the COVID-19 pandemic LTNS kept up to date by following strict guidelines from the English Government, NHS and Public Health England. This included any changes to Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) A separate COVID-19 policy is updated as required with all the latest procedures and can be found on our internal H drive and on our website.
When required all staff, children and families must follow guidance and the updated risk assessments of each setting. Each LTNS has a risk assessment which outlines a set of control measures around the environments, the staffing procedures and the health and well-being of the children.
Further guidance such as when new children settle in the nursery and when prospective parents view the settings will be implemented as needed to keep the children and staff safe.
The main measures that may be reintroduced are social distancing, hand washing,hand sanitizing and ensuring those who have symptoms of a high temperature or a persistent cough do not enter the nursery environment. We review our guidance internally monthly and as needed in line with any further guidance by Government.
All guidance can be found on our internal shared H drive and is disseminated to all staff and parents as and when appropriate.
Reporting of ‘notifiable diseases’
If a child or adult is diagnosed suffering from a notifiable disease under the Public Health (Infectious Diseases) Regulations 1988, the GP will report this to the Health Protection Agency.
When the setting becomes aware, or is formally informed of the notifiable disease, the manager informs Ofsted and acts on any advice given by the Health Protection Agency and Public Health England.
HIV or AIDS or Hepatitis procedure
HIV virus, like other viruses such as Hepatitis, (A, B and C) are spread through body fluids. Hygiene precautions for dealing with body fluids are the same for all children and adults as follows;
Single use vinyl gloves and aprons are worn when changing children’s nappies, pants and clothing that are soiled with blood, urine, faeces or vomit.
Protective gloves are used for cleaning or sluicing clothing after changing.
Soiled clothing is bagged for parents to collect.
Spills of blood, urine, faeces or vomit are cleared using mild disinfectant solution and disposable blue roll
Tables and other furniture, furnishings or toys affected by blood, urine, faeces or vomit are cleaned using a disinfectant.
Children do not share toothbrushes, face clothes, bedding or towels.
Nits and head lice
Nits and head lice are not an excludable condition, although in exceptional cases a parent may be asked to keep the child away until the infestation has cleared.
On identifying cases of head lice, all parents are informed and asked to treat their child and all the family on the same day if they are found to have head lice.
Nappy changing, Toilet Training and Intimate Care
Nappy Changing
At LTNS we have a range of facilities available, including access to changing tables to ensure children are able to be changed comfortably and privately. We support children’s care and welfare on a daily basis in line with their individual needs. All children need contact with familiar, consistent carers to ensure they can grow confidently and feel self-assured. Wherever possible, each child’s key person will change nappies according to the child’s individual needs and requirements.
No child is excluded from participating in our setting who may, for any reason, not yet be toilet trained and who may still be wearing nappies or equivalent. We work with parents towards toilet training, unless there are medical or other developmental reasons why this may not be appropriate at the time.
We enable a two-way exchange between parents and key persons so that information is shared about nappy changing and toilet training in a way that suits the parents and meets the child’s needs.
We have appropriate designated facilities for nappy changing which meet the following criteria:
Facilities are separate to food preparation, serving areas and children’s play areas
Changing mats have a sealed plastic covering and are frequently checked for cracks or tears. If cracks or tears are found, the mat is discarded. Disposable paper is used with antibacterial spray to clean the mat after each child has been changed
Staff changing nappies must wash their hands before and after the nappy has been changed and the area has been cleaned
Clean nappies are stored in a clean dry place; soiled nappies are placed in nappy bag before being placed in the bin. Bins are regularly emptied and at the end of the day are always emptied into an appropriate waste collection area
We ask that where any non-prescribed creams are needed e.g. Sudocrem that these are supplied by the parent and clearly labelled with the child’s name. Prior written permission is obtained from the parent. When applying creams for rashes, a gloved hand is used.
Procedure for nappy changing by staff:
Disposable gloves and aprons are put on before changing starts. Changing mats are used and wiped down with antiseptic spray before and after use
All staff are familiar with the above hygiene procedures and carry these out when changing nappies
In addition, staff ensure that nappy changing is relaxed and a time to promote independence in young children
Young children are encouraged to take an interest in using the toilet
They should be encouraged to wash their hands and have soap and towels to hand
Staff are gentle when changing; they avoid pulling faces and making negative comment about ‘nappy contents’ or making inappropriate comments about young children’s genitals when changing their nappies
Older children access the toilet when they have the need to and are encouraged to be independent
Nappies and ’pull ups’ are disposed of hygienically and the nappy or pull up is bagged and put in the bin. Cloth nappies, trainer pants and ordinary pants that have been wet or soiled are bagged for the parent to take home
All changes are recorded on the nappy changing log on the Tablets and will be time stamped and noted by the staff member who has changed the child
Young children should never be purposefully & in the knowledge of practitioners left in wet or soiled nappies or ’pull ups’ in the setting, to do so will constitute neglect and will be a disciplinary matter. Settings have a ‘duty of care’ towards children’s personal needs
All staff must have an up-to-date understanding of child protection and how to protect children from harm. This includes identifying signs and symptoms of abuse and how to raise these concerns as set out in the Safeguarding children and child protection policy
Staff must balance the right for privacy for the children with the need for safeguarding children and adults by making sure intimate care routines do not take place behind closed doors
Cameras, tablets and mobile phones are not permitted within toilet and intimate care areas
Toilet Training
We see toilet training as a self-care skill that children have the opportunity to learn with the full support and non-judgemental concern of adults.
As children become more aware of changes to their body they will show signs of being ready to move from nappies to using the potty or toilet. We will look at the individual needs and stages of development of each child and will not make assumptions based on their age as to when the potty or toilet will be introduced.
When a child is ready to move away from using nappies they may show some of the following signs:
Signals of being uncomfortable in a nappy, fidgeting or expressing anguish through sounds, words or actions
Standing still to pee in the nappy, or going to a specific corner of the room to do a poo
A child who has increasingly dry nappies throughout certain parts of the day
When bowl movements follow a more predictable pattern
A child is beginning to understand the language that surrounds the toilet may say ‘nappy’ ‘full’ ‘pee’ ‘poo’ to tell you that they need to be changed
A child who is able to express through words that they are ‘peeing’ or ‘pooing’
We will work closely with the parents to introduce potty training and only advise to do so when we believe they are truly ready.
Once a child is beginning to toilet train we will follow the following procedures:
Discuss with parents what nappy alternative they plan to use, e.g. pull-ups, pants or none at all. If none then we suggest jogging bottoms which are easy to pull up and down
Discuss with the parents whether they will be using a potty or toilet seat at home. Show them the potty we have at nursery so they can use something similar at home
Encourage the child to use the potty/toilet frequently during the first few weeks
We encourage parents to provide plenty of spare underwear, trousers and socks
We will use a lot of verbal praise to encourage further use of the potty/toilet
If a child has an accident we will not point this out in front of the other children or staff, instead we will quietly ask the child what happened and take them to sit on the potty/toilet at that time then clean them and change them so they are more comfortable
If the child experiences a significant change in routine such as a new baby arriving or moving house we will discuss this with parents and reassure them that if the child were to regress this is completely normal and we will always begin where the child is and go from there
We understand children will be varied in their confidence to use the toilet/potty and we will support them along this journey, however long this may be. Patience is very important, from both staff and parents.
As a Froebelian setting we do not introduce sticker charts, as giving a child an external reward does not always have the desired affect and can, in some ways, hinder progress. Particularly if the child keeps failing to use the potty/toilet and therefore does not receive any reward. This can knock their confidence and promote negative feelings towards toilet training rather than positive feelings.
Intimate Care
At LTNS we believe that all children need contact with familiar, consistent carers to ensure they can grow and develop socially and emotionally. At times children need to be cuddled, encouraged, held and offered physical reassurance.
Intimate care routines are essential throughout the day to meet children’s basic needs. This may include nappy changing, supporting children with toileting, changing clothes, and giving first aid treatment and specialist medical support, where required.
In order to maintain the child’s privacy, we will carry out the majority of these actions on a one-to-one basis, wherever possible, by the child’s key person with the exception of first aid treatment which must be carried out by a qualified paediatric first aider.
We wish to ensure the safety and welfare of children during intimate care routines and safeguard them against any potential harm as well as ensuring the staff member involved is fully supported and able to perform their duties safely and confidently. We aim to support all parties through the following actions:
Promoting consistent and caring relationships through the key person system in the nursery and ensuring all parents understand how this works
Ensuring all staff undertaking intimate care routines have suitable enhanced DBS checks
Training all staff in the appropriate methods for intimate care routines and arranging specialist training where required, i.e. paediatric first aid training, specialist medical support
Ensuring children are afforded privacy during intimate care routines whilst balancing this with the need to safeguard children and staff. No nappy changes or intimate routines will take place behind closed doors
Conducting thorough inductions for all new staff to ensure they are fully aware of all nursery procedures relating to intimate care routines
Following up procedures through supervision meetings and appraisals to identify any areas for development or further training
Working closely with parents on all aspects of the child’s care and education as laid out in the Parents as partners policy. This is essential for intimate care routines which require specialist training or support. If a child requires specific support the nursery will arrange a meeting with the parent to discover all the relevant information relating to this to enable the staff to care for the child fully and meet their individual needs
Ensuring all staff have an up-to-date understanding of the Safeguarding children and child protection policy, including how to protect children from harm. This will include identifying signs and symptoms of abuse and how to raise these concerns as set out in the Safeguarding children and child protection policy
Operating a Whistleblowing policy to help staff raise any concerns about their peers or managers and helping staff develop confidence in raising worries as they arise in order to safeguard the children in the nursery
Conducting working practice observations on all aspects of nursery operations to ensure that procedures are working in practice and all children are supported fully by the staff including intimate care routines
Conducting regular risk assessments on all aspects of the nursery operation including intimate care and reviewing the safeguards in place. The nursery has assessed all the risks relating to intimate care routines and has placed appropriate safeguards in place to ensure the safety of all involved.
If any parent or member of staff has concerns or questions about intimate care procedures or individual routines, please see the manager at the earliest opportunity.
We comply with health and safety regulations and the Welfare Requirements of the EYFS in making our setting a no-smoking environment - both indoors and outdoors.
All staff, parents and volunteers are made aware of our no-smoking policy
We display no-smoking signs
Staff are not to smoke on site
Staff are not to take smoking breaks throughout the day
If staff are to smoke; before work or on their lunch break, staff must not smoke in clothing worn whilst in the nursery, clean hands and spray mouth
First aid
In our setting staff are able to take action to apply first aid treatment in the event of an accident involving a child or adult. At least one member of staff with current first aid training is on the premises or on an outing at any one time. The first aid qualification includes first aid training for infants and young children.
The First Aid Kit
Our first aid kit complies with the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 and contains the following items :
Triangular bandages (ideally at least one should be sterile) - x 4.
Sterile dressings:
a) Small (formerly Medium No 8) - x 3.
b) Medium (formerly Large No 9) – HSE 1 - x 3.
c) Large (formerly Extra Large No 3) – HSE 2 - x 3.
Composite pack containing 20 assorted (individually-wrapped) plasters 1.
Sterile eye pads (with bandage or attachment) eg No 16 dressing 2.
Guidance card as recommended by HSE 1.
In addition to the first aid equipment, each box should be supplied with:
2 pairs of disposable plastic (PVC or vinyl) gloves.
1 plastic disposable apron.
a children’s forehead thermometer.
In addition we have ice packs in the freezer
The first aid box is easily accessible to adults and is kept out of the reach of children.
No un-prescribed medication is given to children, parents or staff. Except Calpol or Nurofen in the case of a temperature. (Please see Administering Medicines 1.4)
At the time of admission to the setting, parents' written permission for emergency medical advice or treatment is sought. Parents sign and date their written approval.
Parents sign a consent form at registration allowing staff to take their child to the nearest Accident and Emergency unit to be examined, treated or admitted as necessary on the understanding that parents have been informed and are on their way to the hospital.
Formula Milk Preparation
When a parent or carer completes their child’s settling in pack, they inform us if their child is still drinking formula. All formula milk is to be provided by the parents or carers.
Parent or carers of children who have been prescribed infant formula milk by their general practitioner must provide and replace this when asked by the staff team. All formula should be brought in sealed and this will be named immediately and dated upon opening.
To ensure we comply with current guidance from ‘National Health Authority’ with regard to the making up of formula milk for babies and young children, we will ensure that the following steps are adhered to –
Good hygiene practices for the storage, handling and preparation of the formula.
All unused feeds will be disposed of - These feeds should not be kept, for example by leaving them in a room for the child to have when they wake from a sleep, as this could pose a risk to the baby’s health.
Bottles should be freshly made up for each feed using the instructions on the container, i.e. Boiled water left to cool for up to half an hour if child is under 1 year of age.
Take a sterilised bottle and teat.
Take the boiled water and fill the bottle to the right place using the measuring marks.
Measure the exact amount of powder using the special scoop provided with the milk.
Level off the powder in the scoop using a clean dry knife. Don’t press down the powder at all.
Add the powder to the water in the bottle.
Packets and unopened tins should be used within one month. Each tin should have clearly written on it the date it is opened
We ensure parents are informed when they need to replenish formula packets.
We aim to make our mothers feel comfortable in our nursery should they wish to breastfeed their babies whilst here.
Partnership with parents:
We display the breastfeeding welcome sign within the nursery.
Staff will provide the mother with a comfortable seat this could be anywhere within the nursery or somewhere private if necessary.
We will provide hand washing facilities and access to refreshments.
Expressed milk can be stored either in our fridge or may be brought in frozen, where we follow guidance.
The babies feeding routine will be discussed with mother and key person and manager to make arrangements for the mother to come in to breastfeed or express. This may be verbal or written.
The baby will be given cooled boiled water between feeds.
Key person:
Share important information.
Record information to include time of feeds, amount of milk, and who it has been given by, this can be verbally or written.
The key person will have clear communication with parents regarding labelling i.e. date and time when milk was expressed.
The nursery will use our colour coding system to ensure identification.
Good hygiene is paramount before and after preparation of feed.
If frozen to be defrosted by swirling in a bowl of warm water (not microwave or hot water).
Milk to be given following parents’ wishes i.e. from fridge, room temperature or heated as attached guidance.
Any unused milk will be discarded, bottles to be rinsed and returned to parent.
Breast milk can be stored in the main body of the fridge or if frozen in the freezer. This will have to be transported in an insulated cool bag. If milk shows any sign of thawing do not re-freeze.
Fridge or freezers are monitored every day for temperature control measures and recorded.
Sleep and Rest
To ensure all children have enough sleep for them to develop and to promote best practice for all children in a safe environment.
We adopt a policy of practice recommended by The Cot Death Society to minimise the risk of Sudden Infant Death. The safety of babies sleeping is paramount in the centre and we promote good practice and ensure that we work in partnership with the parents.
Babies should sleep:
On their backs
At the bottom of the cot
In a well-ventilated room
With NO duvets or bumpers to the sides of the cots
With sheets or blankets that cannot become tangled
Without any large soft toys that have the potential to smother a baby
With a comforter if they normally have one
With relaxation/classical music playing at a low level
Child individual routine sheets are filled out with the parent and key person when they are settling into the nursery. If a baby has an unusual sleeping routine or position that we would not use in the setting i.e. babies sleeping on their tummies we will explain our policy to the parents and ask them to sign a form to say they have requested we carry out a different position or pattern on the sleeping babies form. Staff should be aware of individual needs of the babies and children.. Sleep routines are a very intimate part of a baby’s day. Babies should not be left to cry themselves to sleep or be left for long periods of time to “drop” off to sleep.
When getting a baby ready to sleep the staff need to ensure a number of things happen:
A clean nappy
Outer clothes removed
Fed or had a drink
All bibs removed
A comforter if needed
Not too warm
Staff are to be vigilant in checking all children when they rest or sleep every 10 minutes. A staff member is to be present in the room or overseeing by the sleeping area when children are sleeping for vigilant supervision. Sleep forms should be signed by the practitioner who is monitoring the children to evidence when children have been checked.
Daytime Rest Policy and Procedure
Staff should prepare children for sleep by moving to a quieter part of the nursery, having a story or having a cuddle. Some children like to be patted to go to sleep. The staff need to pull up a chair to the side of the cot so not to strain their back or to sit on the floor while rubbing their tummy.
If the child has not gone to sleep after 15 minutes the staff member should consider getting them up and maybe trying them later for another sleep.
The Key person should discuss this with the parent and establish a time limit for trying to get the children to sleep which should be communicated to all staff members.
If a child falls asleep in the arms of a staff member they should be placed in the cot, or on a mat, so they can continue to sleep. If they have fallen asleep unexpectedly and it has not been possible to remove their outer clothes or have their nappy changed, the child’s clothes should be loosened. Staff within the area should be made aware that the child needs their nappy changing when they wake up.
The cots should be cleaned and maintained. Screws and bolts should be checked and tightened periodically to ensure that the cot is safe and secure. Detail any issues on your risk assessment and stop using the cot in question.
We do not wake under two children from their sleeps if they have slept for under an hour and a half. The best sleep for under 2s is 2 hours long.
For children over 2 we will not wake them from a sleep shorter than an hour. We will also not keep children awake when they are tired.
All children should be offered fresh water when they wake up in a calm space where they can have time to adjust to being awake.
Older Children
Children need sleep and rest periods to help development. Children all develop at different rates and we must meet their needs throughout the day at the nursery. As they grow they will usually reduce the length or the frequency of their daytime sleep.
Children at our Nursery Schools have the opportunity to rest or sleep if they need or want to throughout the day. The staff need to create an environment for the children to rest or sleep i.e. a quiet area to cuddle up with a book, cots for younger babies or sleep mats for older children. We have a dedicated sleep room for our youngest babies.
Parental wishes should be taken into consideration, although staff cannot force a child to sleep, wake or keep a child awake against his or her will.
Sleep monitoring
All sleeping children must be checked at 10 minute intervals. Staff who are working in the rooms are all responsible for checking the children. The sleep chart must be filled in every day for every sleep. This is mandatory practice for every day and the Manager and Room Leader must check daily that these are being filled in correctly. On the form it must be initialled by the staff member checking the child every ten minutes. This staff member must be Paediatric First Aid Trained.
Checking a child while sleeping should involve:
Placing a hand on their chest to check they are breathing or putting the back of their hand near to the child’s mouth to feel for breath
Ensuring that each child is well
Ensuring that each child is not too hot or too cold, ensuring that all sheets or blankets are not wrapped around the child
The sleep monitoring chart is used to record the checks and is signed by the member of staff carrying out the check. A record of each child’s daily sleep pattern is recorded too.
We believe all those at the nursery should be able to develop the knowledge, values and skills to participate in the decisions about the way we do things both individually and collectively, locally and globally, that will improve the quality of life now without damaging the planet for the future. We aim to foster an appreciation of the privilege of living in a big, beautiful and exciting world that needs care and conservation.
Educational Sustainability Development has a positive impact on behaviour as it gives the children a sense of ownership and pride in their nursery and develops confidence to talk through problems, which reinforces respect and good behaviour. ESD aims to give children a greater understanding of both natural and human systems through a range of immediate environmental experiences which engage their senses, emotions, and thinking. It should enable children to develop a life ethic which values all people and the natural environment, and to become aware of the actions that they ought to pursue in order to live a more sustainable life both now and in the future. It fosters an understanding of the interconnections between all aspects of our own lives and those of other people and places both globally and locally. A realisation that our actions may have unseen consequences and because we are learning all the time our approach to implementing change should be cautious and open to new possibilities. A recognition that we have both rights and responsibilities to participate in decision making and that everyone is allowed to have a say in what happens in the future. There is a limit to the way in which the world can develop and that certain countries should not grow in ways that create increased poverty, hardship and degradation to the environment because this is unsustainable and will eventually disadvantage us all.
Recognition that development must be sustainable and benefit people equally because it improves the life of everyone. The knowledge that we can live lives that consider the rights and needs of others and that our actions today will have implications for the life of everyone in the future. An understanding of the importance and value of the diversity in our lives –culturally, socially, economically and biologically – and that our lives are impoverished without it.
It is of equal importance that ESD is delivered in a manner that encourages everyone to:
Listen to other points of view
Express and justify their own points of view
Make informed choices between alternatives
Work collaboratively through discussion and negotiation
Respect democratic decisions
Think critically
Take responsibility for their own actions
Take part in nursery and community-based activities responsibly.
The education for sustainable development policy emphasises the importance of active teaching or learning approaches and opportunities for active citizenship. Practitioners will focus on a number of initiatives including but not limited to: children’s monitors, switch off unused lights and computers
Posters to encourage energy saving.
Labelled re-cycling bins in every nursery
Managing waste products by recycling wherever possible
Careful use of water encouraged
Green travel and transport to and from nursery for children
Children act as litter pickers and water and energy monitors
Children learn about other cultures and faiths in various curriculum areas.
Use of resources (photo-packs) from development organisations (eg Oxfam, Christian Aid, Action Aid) have supported the teaching of global issues, eg Christmas Shoe box giving
Banning glitter and single plastic consumption resources
The implementation and organisation during Environmental March
Circle time with our over 2s is a key way of drawing out ESD issues, covering topics such as human rights, global pollution and environmental anxiety, war and peace, poverty. Key topics are developed by key people sensitively and appropriately for the age and stage of the group of children, in line with our diversity policy.
Updated July 2023