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At Linden Tree Nursery Schools, we believe continuous professional development is paramount to having a successful nursery. One of Froebels principals emphasises the importance of well informed and qualified educators.

The care and education of young children is essential to society. Young children are entitled to knowledgeable and well qualified professionals who are deeply informed about and attuned to the distinctive nature of young children's learning and development. Practitioners must constantly strive to develop their understanding through training observation, research, reflection and discussion.

High quality early years provision can have a significant impact on children's development, performance at school and their future life chances, but if all children are to benefit, the early years workforce must be professional, well trained, highly qualified, and dedicated to their role.

Training sessions are held at our Training centre in Clapham Old Town.

Staff training
LTNS staff training


LTNS Team at Froebel Conference

Froebel Network Annual Gathering 

The Team with Tina Bruce at the event.

Team in Gemany- Linden Tree Nursery Schools

June 2019

The Senior Management Team went to Germany to explore Froebel's first Kindergarten and School. it was a wonderful experience with lots of hiking, beautiful scenery and conversations with German Froebelians.

Froebel Training Days 

With Dr Stella Louis - Froebel travelling tutor 


Tina's Kitchen

A discussion about Froebel's Mother Songs with Professor Tina Bruce and fellow Froebelian's.

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